Well, I was a judge in Project Presentation session. It's the first FLL in Thailand. Personally, I like the format of the competition because it comprises 4 parts for the kids to do in order to win the Championship. Robot game, technical, project, and also teamwork are four of them. Therfore, the kids have to do several tasks in team. Not only put the robot into the field and let it do things as programmed beforehand. The kids have to plan, do the research, make productive discussion, add up their imagination, and keep modifying their design. In the nut shell, this is the process of real-world working. I'm so jealous these kids who get the chance to join. I would certainly encourage my kids and their friends to join the league.
These are pictures I took as I was judging the presentations.

Well, they are excellent on using visual-aid. Kids these day. Here are another pictures from around the place.

The robot game...
